A Positive Message is Essential

It's so very important that we keep a positive attitude in our lives.

And that's the message on this blog!

You are a child of the one TRUE GOD

Do you really understand how incredible that is?

As such, we never need be down, aside from when we're grieving a loss.

Grieving is of course natural.  And healthy :)

We all have trials, but I'm here to tell you that we can go through those trials with a smile.

The Lord is my rock.  I need not be swayed by the events of life.

So I want you to know that you are STRONG.  You are GREAT.  You have great VALUE.  And you will do great things, if you would choose to BELIEVE that through GOD you WILL.

Positive, positive, positive.

The news is so negative.  People can be so negative.  Society is often negative. The Media always has another product that will make us finally like ourselves.

But none of that is true.

We can be a force for GOOD in the world, through our savior, holy spirit, and maker.
