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The Planet Earth cc 2.0 via Flickr |
Hope for these things. Dream of these things. Pray for these things. Build these things. See these things fulfilled in your mind's eye. Believe in the impossible.
Twelve Goals, to see...
1. To see Christianity in the West experience a powerful resurgence, and a last great awakening.
2. To see Christian Apologetics become an integral part of small church ministries, especially youth and young adult ministries to arm church members and young people with tools to defend their faith when confronted with materialistic philosophies and evolution in public school and forceful atheism in the universities. Providing an answer for the truth in our hearts.
3. To see Christians take their faith in Christ seriously, actively experiencing the transformation afforded to them by the Holy Spirit. A return to holiness.
4. To see a new evangelism focus take off in the West. To see churches taking Jesus' order to make disciples of all nations seriously. Home missionaries, foreign missionaries, interstate missionaries, evangelism, more evangelism, and going on a daily basis. Obedience to the great commission.
5. To see the science community begin to accept intelligent design as a reasonable scientific possibility, instead of simply mocking, minimizing, and ignoring it. To see that theory then taught in Public schools. Redeeming science from worldview based bias.
6. To see the Bible and prayer welcomed back into Public schools. And to see parents actively training up their children in biblical principles and moral truth. Redeeming the Educational system.
7. To see churches move radically from beyond their walls and live out the call in Matthew 25:31-46 to feed the hungry, cloth the naked, visit the prisoners, and care for the homeless with great love. And to see Christians living humbly, and serving those less fortunate than them. Setting the powerful example of humble service.
8. To see the depravity in the western media outlets & public square crippled by a powerful great awakening that returns free people to their roots of Christian morality, justice, temperance, and liberty. To see the Satanic influence removed from media institutions like MTV, Fox, Disney, Hollywood, and the music industry. Redeeming the culture.
9. To see Abortion outlawed as murder in all the world. The genocide must end. A world that practices child sacrifice is not a moral world. 60 million dead, and counting. End the silent genocide of modern day child sacrifice.
10. To see the endless corruption in politics, media, government, banking, education, and economics exposed to the general public. To see the evils of communism, socialism, racism, sex slavery, and other hidden agendas exposed and destroyed. Revealing the works of the evil one.
11. To see the body of Christ, the Church working as a united force to face the difficult task of showing the love of Christ to a lost world. To see church leaders forsake selfishness and personal glory to unite their organizations to better face down a rapidly collapsing world. Bringing about a measure of unity.
12. To see Jesus Christ preached to all nations on the Earth, and to see the body disciple and found faithful on the last day, all to the glory of our Heavenly Father who is forever praised, Amen. The final victory Christ's body the church.
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Christian distribution worldwide source via Wikimedia Commons by TheGreenEditor CC 3.0 |