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BibleGateway.com - This is my favorite reference website for searching the Bible. It's got it all, references, dictionaries, free resources, audio bible, any translation you can think of.
Open Bible - Topical - Open Bible is a great website for topical searches on any topic imaginable, ESV format.
Bible Study Tools - This site is great for more advanced studies of scripture, I love the free searchable NASB/KJV concordance. Those paper concordances are daunting, this website makes it quick and manageable.
Compassion International - Compassion.com is a charity that is very highly rated. They serve children in countries all over the world. I highly recommend supporting this charity if you can!
ChristianColleges.com - is an interdenominational, nonpartisan organization connecting students with Bible and Christian universities that fit their needs through in-depth academic, financial aid, and college life resources.
Sermon Index - This is an awesome resource for downloadable sermons from all the great preachers over the ages of Christianity, all completely free mp3 downloads. I love it!
Living Waters - the ministry of Ray Comfort, I highly recommend checking out his resources. His ministry has been a blessing to my walk and Ray is big on evangelism. We need more of that.
YouVersion Bible App - My favorite Bible app, free, with dozens of versions and free playable audio Bibles all from a smart phone. Pretty awesome!
Reaching You Ministries - Kristen Jane Anderson is an absolute inspiration. She attempted suicide in her teens and was ran over by a train. She miraculously survived and now travels to campuses and churches telling her story of salvation through Jesus Christ.
Abolish Human Abortion - Join the movement to abolish human abortion, through abolitionist societies across the USA.
Persecution.org - Help support the persecuted church in foreign countries by taking action through petitions and media campaigns.
Discovery Institute - I love the discovery institute! They put forward the reasonable evidence for intelligent design and actively appose the massive Darwinian establishment.
Answers in Genesis - A ministry in support of young earth science.
Cross Examined - An excellent apologetics ministry, support these folks and share their videos.
Reasonable Faith - William Lane Craig is one of the greatest Christian apologists of all time, support and raise awareness of his powerful ministry, reasonable faith.
Applied Apologetics - An important Apologetics ministry.
Ratio Christi- With chapters all over the USA this apologetics ministry is quickly gaining ground.
CARM.org - Online apologetics ministry, moderately Calvinist.
Got Questions - Online apologetics ministry, moderately calvinist in it's answers.
Focus on the Family- A ministry in support of the nuclear family.
Alliance Defending Freedom - An organization focused on supporting religious liberties in the United States.
Youth for Christ - Youth for Christ is a wonderful organization that guides young people in their path in ministry by providing them chances to serve in meaningful ways in the body of Christ through speaking and leadership.
Cru - A ministry for young college students.
Bible Hub - Excellent Bible study website.
Wycliffe Bible Translators - Wycliffe translators help translate the Bible into new languages to unreached people groups.
Converge International - Converge is a massive organization of Baptist Evangelical churches. They generally have good churches in their network that stick close to the Bible and engage young people.
The Veritas Forum - The Veritas forum is one of my all time favorite ministries. They have chapters at major universities in the USA and Europe. They bring speakers to debate with prominent atheists, and to give presentations at universities like Princeton, Harvard, Yale, Oxford, and many others. I watch their videos on Youtube and share them a great deal.
Evangelical Intelligentsia - a website of apologetics content and videos on thinking faith.
Biola University - an amazing Christian university in California. I would love to attend Biola for a doctorate in Apologetics.
Liberty University - The largest Christian University on planet Earth. This is where I attend. Founded by Jerry Falwell in 1971. Teachers include greats like Ed Hindson, Elmer Towns, and Gary Habermas.
The Salvation Army - I work for a small Salvation Army corps in Michigan. I deeply believe in the mission of the Salvation Army. They were founded in 1865 by William Booth. The SA practice what they preach. They do exactly what Christ instructed, serve the poor and preach the word.
Jews for Jesus - Many Jewish people love Jesus and are dedicated to bringing God's chosen people, the Jews, to saving knowledge of Christ Jesus.
Christianaudio.com - Download and order Christian audiobooks and other content.
Christianbook.com - Purchase Christian books and other items.
C.S. Lewis Institute - An organization that carries on the legacy of C.S. Lewis and his Christian beliefs.
Socrates in the City - A ministry of Eric Metaxas, heavy on apologetics and reaching intellectuals with the Gospel.
The Institute for Creation Research - A very important scientific ministry.
Always Be Ready Apologetics Ministry - An apologetics ministry that I support.
Church Leaders.com - A website with articles geared toward Christian leaders.
Evolution News - a website with articles and news on science, evolution, and intelligent design.
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