What is truth? Who is God? What is the meaning of life? On this blog we explore the interactions between Christianity and topics like culture, politics and philosophy. The word says we must love God and love others. Jesus Christ is God come to us; He is alive. God will call all of us to give an explanation of how we lived. Trust in Jesus and receive forgiveness; a new life. Stand for the truth. Glorify Christ in how you live. A new world awaits.
Friday, May 31, 2013
hold the line against the night
it be written in the books of forever, across the porcelain halls of the
grounds of the new Jerusalem, that in the dark time, as we stood in the
twilight of the human race, we stood for truth. We stood for liberty.
We stood against tyranny. We exposed evil. We shared the gospel
courageously. We lifted up and sacrificed our very lives for the cause
of Christ.