Sunday, August 27, 2017

Five Awesome Videos from The Bible Project

I wanted to get a good plug in for the Bible Project and the videos they make on You Tube.  These videos have been instructive to me and my family, so I thought I'd share them with you.  If your able, please support the Bible Project over at their website:

The Gospel of the Kingdom

The Book of Job

The Book of Proverbs

Heaven and Earth

The Revelation of Jesus Ch. 12-22

Related Posts:
  1. Five Provocative Sermon Messages
  2. Ten Amazing Apologetics Presentations
  3. Five Intriguing Presentations by Christian Apologists
  4. The Future Destiny of Man: The New Heavens and the New Earth
  5. The Truth Shines Through: Debunking Lies of the Culture
  6. Are you Jaded with the Church? How to Resist Jadedness in Ministry
  7. The Ministry of Reconciliation: Your Life Mission Defined
  8. The Crying of the Wolf at Midnight
  9. Rediscovering Lost Values, Political Engagement
  10. God of Love, God of Justice: A Future Heaven, a Future Hell