Monday, July 4, 2016

10 Fascinating Prager U Animated Video Shorts

Source: PragerU
Have you ever heard of Prager University?  They make animated video shorts and post them on Youtube. View their channel here.  They are also available on the PragerU website.  I've learned a lot watching these videos.  They are fun, entertaining and informative.  These are ten of my favorites.  Enjoy!

1. What is Crony Capitalism?

2. Does Science Argue for or against God?

3. The Most Important Question about Abortion

4. Climate Change: What Do Scientists Say?

5. The Least Free Place in America

6. Game of Loans

7. Government: Is it Ever Big Enough?

8. Religious Tolerance: Made in America

9. The War on Boys

10. The World's Most Persecuted Minority: Christians

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