Give us a quick introduction yourself and your book.
I'm a northern girl living in a haunted farmhouse in the North Georgia
Mountains, with my husband and occasionally one or more of my mostly
grown children. That is, when they deign to honor me with their
presence. You know…when they run out of money and need a place to stay. I
spend my days having deep philosophical conversations with my 13
chickens, 6 ducks, 5 little piglets, a few cats, an OCD terrier, and my
180lb lapdog…err…Mastiff, Indiana Jones. I write a daily blog about my
crazy life, as I try to figure out how I've managed to survive this
long. My new book is a fluffy romance about a romance-novel-obsessed
private banker who falls in love with her rich client then realizes he
might be a hired assassin. I think of her as an American Bridget Jones,
who's maybe a little more on the shy side, but stumbling her way through
life on the ultimate quest for love.
What inspired you to write your first book?
The first book I ever wrote (still unpublished, but who knows…maybe
one day) was inspired by a two week vacation at my mother's house almost
15 years ago. I found myself bored to tears in the evenings when she
would hit the sack before the sun dropped below the horizon, and I had
nothing to do but dip into her never-ending supply of dime store
romances. I would categorize it as a romantic thriller and it has all
the elements of a traditional, heaving bosom romance, heavy on the
cheesy cliché's and indiscriminate sex. Yeah…it might need a little
Do you have a specific writing style?
I try to go for the light, humorous take on things at all times. I
know, you can't always do that, and that's ok. But when at all possible,
you'll find me being light and funny. Life is too short not to squeeze
every drop of joy out of it.
How did you come up with the title?
If I tell you where I got the title for To Katie With Love , it might ruin the ending, so you'll just have to wait until it comes out and read it. But shhhh…don't tell anyone.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp?
Is there a message? Hmmm…yeah, love is out there if you're willing to
take a few chances to find it. Just remember, sometimes it doesn't look
like what you expect it to. I don't know if that's in the story, but it
should be.
How much of the book is realistic?
A few of the characters are based on real people and real events back
when I worked as a business banker for a major Fortune 500 financial
institution. I can't say what or who to protect the innocent…or the
guilty…take your pick.
Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life?
See the above answer. My characters are always based on flesh and
blood people. Some I knew intimately, some I studied via interviews or
television appearances. But I think if you don't have someone in your
head, the character doesn't seem real. I don't know how other people do
it, but that's how I do. I see them move, hear their voices, feel their
presence…all in my head of course. All in my head.
What books have most influenced your life most?
When I was a kid I read A Wrinkle in Time and that inspired me to want to escape reality and live in the fantasy world. I think I've been doing that ever since.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor?
If I had to pick one person to be my mentor it would be Stephen King.
He's had a long, illustrious career and he seems to know what's
important in life. He also crafts a kick ass story.
What book are you reading now?
You mean when I'm not re-readingFifty Shades of Grey ? I've been known to read Pride and Prejudice to kill time. I loved Abraham Lincoln, Vampire Hunter . And I've had a blast doing a beta read for Laura Kolar's soon to be released YA novel Captive Art .
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest?
I recently read Katie Moretti's I Thought I Knew You , and really enjoyed that. Kelly Stone Gamble has a new book coming out soon, They Call Me Crazy
, that I was able to get an early copy of. I can't wait til that one
hits the shelves. I already mentioned Laura Kolar. Honestly, there are
so many awesome writers out there that I've been fortunate enough to
meet I'd never be able to list them all here.
What are your current projects?
Well, To Katie With Love is coming soon, and after that I have a fluffy paranormal romance, Suddenly Sorceress
(if the title doesn't change) that should be the follow-up. I also have
half of the sequel written for TKWL, a cheesy romance to edit, and a
few other irons in the fire. Oh, and my blog is a constant work in
progress. I think of it as more of a cautionary tale for the rest of the
world. I am the girl who blogged The Bikini Wax Disaster , after all.
Name one entity that you feel supported you outside of family members.
The support I get from other writers I've met through social media
has been amazing. Twitter, Facebook, Google+…I can't stress enough how
much I appreciate each and every one of them. Their
guidance…support…friendship…I don't know if I would have taken the steps
necessary to get published had I not met these people.
Do you see writing as a career?
I see writing as a calling. I'd love to get paid to do it, but it
wouldn't stop me from writing if I never saw a dime. Being a writer is
not what I do…it's who I am.
If you had to do it all over again, would you change anything in your latest book?
Ask me that once we've finished the last round of edits and it makes
its way to the formatter. Right now, I think I've tweaked everything I
could possibly tweak, but I suspect I'll find an error somewhere after it's in print. Isn't that always the way?
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated?
I think I was in kindergarten and my teacher gave me a pencil and
taught me how to write my name. I haven't stopped since then.
Can you share a little of your current work with us?
I didn't have to say anything. Silvia already knew the only real man
I'd ever be interested in. She also knew he was completely off limits.
So where did that leave me?
Right here. Smashed into a booth, three hundred and sixty five days
away from the big three-oh, breathing in second-hand smoke and sipping
shots with the people who were nearest and dearest to me in the whole
wide world…the people from work.
I had just one word for that.
Is there anything you find particularly challenging in your writing?
Two things stand out as challenges. One…patience. I can't seem to find
it in me to be patience with a single step in the process. And
two…sleep. I don't sleep. When I'm on a creative roll I'm like a chick
hopped up on three pots of coffee and bag of sugar. It's my natural
propensity toward being high-strung. But I embrace it. I get a lot of
work done that way.
Who is your favorite author and what is it that really strikes you about their work?
That's like asking me what my favorite color is…or my favorite day of the week (ok, that's easy…Tuesday, because I do karaoke
on Tuesday) but my favorite author totally depends on what mood I'm in
when I pick a book. My tastes run the gamut from Poe to Shakespeare to
King and then take a turn at the corner of Twilight and Fifty Shades.
It's all about the mood, baby.
Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)?
I haven't flown since 1998 due to an overwhelming fear of heights that
makes me certain my plane will crash. I also avoid escalators, open
canyons, and high heels. I do get into cars from time to time and take
long trips. I know this is silly because the odds of dying in a car
crash are infinitely higher than dying on a plane, but phobias don't
care about data, do they?
Who designed the covers?
Streetlight Graphics is doing my cover, and I can't wait to see it. Just a few weeks away now.
What was the hardest part of writing your book?
The hardest part of writing any book is just making yourself sit down
and do it. Finding the inspiration and letting it take you down whatever
path it feels like taking you. For me, I have to be in a good mood to
write funny. Being sad is detrimental to the process. But luckily, I'm a
fairly happy person. I try to see the positive in everything.
Did you learn anything from writing your book and what was it?
I learned that people have no idea what really goes on inside a bank.
We really did talk about inappropriate stuff (sometimes just out of
earshot of the customers) and went out for drinks almost every Friday
Do you have any advice for other writers?
I'll give you the same advice my dad gave me, what seems like, a
million years ago. Writers write. That's what we do. If you want to be a
writer, sit your ass down at a computer, or a notebook, or a damn
napkin and start writing. That's it. Just write something.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers?
Let me entertain you. Just hop on and enjoy the ride. I'm writing this
stuff for you. Without you, it's just a bunch of words on a page.
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