Short Author Bio: I am a retired newspaper journalist and graduate of McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. I was born in Glasgow, Scotland and immigrated to Canada with my family as a child. I live in London, Ontario, Canada with my wife Sherry and two basenjis, Remba and Wakili. We have two married children and four grandchildren. I am also the author of the thriller DEADLINE (2010).
Book Synopsis of The Scorpion: The Daily Express chronicles continue in this sequel to DEADLINE. Bringing you more news, more murder, action and romance. The Scorpion is a terrorist. A nameless, faceless killer leading a team that plans to attack North America bringing death and destruction in a daring scheme called Operation Saladin. Katie Cannon and Andrew Chase are planning their wedding, but their happy day may bring more than they expect. This fast-paced, page-turning thriller will keep you on the edge of your seat!
What inspired you to write your first book? I've always been a fan of thrillers and mysteries and felt I could write as good as some of the ones I read. After I retired as a journalist, I had the time and decided to try my hand at writing thrillers. Two completed and working on the third.
Do you have a specific writing style? I write tight and lean prose. Short chapters, page-turning action. My models are Michael Connelly and James Patterson. I prefer short, tight books and write accordingly. I think it may be my journalism training. Don't waste words.
How did you come up with the title? Decided to use the name of my principal villain -- The Scorpion. Thought it was a catchy title.
Is there a message in your novel that you want readers to grasp? Not really, I just want them to be entertained. They will learn a little bit abouyt how newspapers and journalists operate and decide on what makes the news.
How much of the book is realistic? Very realistic, especially the newspaper parts. Based on my experiences and many of the stories in the novel bases on actual news stories, fictionalized.
Are experiences based on someone you know, or events in your own life? Yes.
What books have most influenced your life most? I've been most influenced by thriller writers such as John Le Carre, Michael Connelly, Lee Child and such. My favorite type of books.
If you had to choose, which writer would you consider a mentor? Michael Connelly, a former newspaper reporter like myself turned thriller writer. Only he is much more successful than me.
What book are you reading now? The Gift by Kirk Douglas, a novel.
Are there any new authors that have grasped your interest? I've discovered many good independent self published authors. Some that I really like are Barry Crowther, Rebecca Stroud, J. D. Michael Phelps, Alex Lukeman and Rebecca Forster, all thriller and mystery writers.
What are your current projects? I am currently working on the third and final book in my newspaper Daily Express Chronicles series. No title yet.
Do you recall how your interest in writing originated? I've been writing stories since I was about 8-years old. But I seriously began writing in my teens and sold my first short story to a Canadian teen magazine when I was 16. I wrote my first novel, a spy thriller when I was 18 but it didn't sell or get published. It really wasn't very good and too derivative of James Bond. But I enjoyed the challenge of writing a novel.
I became interested in journalism and pursued a 35-year career as a reporter and editor for weekly and daily newspapers after university. But it didn't leave much time for fiction writing so I put it on the back burner until I retired four years ago and started to write thrillers based on my newspaper experiences.
Do you have to travel much concerning your book(s)? I have traveled extensively in my career and use much of it in my books. The rest is from research on the Internet.
Who designed the covers? I designed the covers using templates provided by the publisher.
What was the hardest part of writing your book? The hardest part is forcing yourself to sit in that chair every day and write. I usually write every morning from 9-12. I'm retired so don't want to do it full time. I have family, dogs and other interests. The afternoons and evenings are usually free for those things. But mornings are my writing time. It's also when I'm at my freshest.
Do you have any advice for other writers? Read as much as you can. Write, write and continue to write. Be sure and rewrite several times and have someone else edit and proof your book. Beta readers are also a good idea.
Do you have anything specific that you want to say to your readers? Thanks for the invitation to address your readers. I hope you enjoy books as much as I do. I'm an avid reader and have been all my life.